
物聯網最全指南:你需要掌握的 9 大關鍵點 | 雙語閱讀



2017-06-21 21:06:19




編者按:從安全性到安全感,從身體健康到心理健康,從虛擬現實到娛樂到能源到地理圍欄,這些是你接觸loT(物聯網)的一份指南。本文作者為Parth Kapadia,原題為“9 Major Keys to the Internet of Things”。

The Internet of Things — a monstrous phenomenon to fathom. Be prepared to have your life disrupted, for the better or the worse…


This radical disruption will impact you and the ones closest to you. Your safety, security, health, and convenience are all at stake. This post will give you an intro to IoT and help you take the rights steps to get a grip on the Internet of Things.


Here are the 9 major keys to IoT and a more connected you:


1.安全性和安全感 Safety and Security

Safety allows you to keep doing you. You want to make sure your family is intact, healthy, and being taken care of through a string of seamless automations. Staying in constant contact is a large key for safety, or in other words, your well-being.


Being safe during your commutes is often overlooked. Technology in cars has substantially helped driving become safer. Rear-view cameras are now standard in every new car for a reason. Check out GM’s LED rearview camera, which is really only your current reverse camera with a new twist.

在你的上下班過程中,你的安全經常被忽視。 汽車技術極大的助力了駕駛安全。出于某些原因,后視攝像機現在是每輛新車的標配。看看通用汽車的LED后視攝像頭,這其實就是你現在使用的倒車攝影機,只不過稍加改動。

Traditionally, safety IoT has been geared towards maintenance detection for enterprise level operations and applications. Today, a similar M2M architecture can be applied to your home, office space, and your city.


Sensors, which are much cheaper these days, can let you know whether or not your water pipes are leaking or are about to burst. If you’re on vacation, you can decide whether or not to receive last-gasp messages that are deployed prior to failure.

如今要便宜得多的傳感器,可以讓你知道你的水管是否泄漏或即將爆裂。 如果你正在度假,你可以決定是否在故障發生之前接收故障的最新消息。

Yes, sensors for natural resource management and the future of water, electricity, and gas are key for a safe environment.WallyHome, a water leak and mold detection system is perfect for families looking to get smart on water, especially after what happened in Flint, Michigan.


Security has been traditionally dominated by companies such as ADT right? Their customers used to pay for 24/7 alarm monitoring back in the 90s. But with today’s array of smart home starter kits available at Home Depot and push towards a modernized DIY market, your grandma can have a level-one smart home.

在過去,我們生活中的安全性一直是由ADT等公司主導的,對吧? 他們的客戶在90年代會為全時段的監控付費。但是,如今有家得寶推出的家用智能家居套件就不一樣了,我們正在向一個現代化的DIY市場轉變,即使是你的奶奶,也可以擁有第一流的智能家居。

Companies like Comcast Xfinity and Vivint also offer these for a monthly cost along with on demand add-ons such as home streaming to solar, all of these modern features are offered today at $s/per month.

像Comcast Xfinity和Vivint這樣的公司也提供按消費者需求定制的附加功能,比如家庭流媒體或太陽能。所有這些現代功能在今天都按月為單位收費。

Anyways, it all depends on what level of security you’re striving for. If you want to be notified every time someone is on your property, or you want to be prompted when someone rings your doorbell, go to Home Depot and get trip sensors and a ring doorbell camera. Although, it may be simply more practical to remotely monitor, open, and close your garage with My Q by Chamberlin.

無論如何,這一切都取決于你想要的安全級別。如果您希望每當有人在您的財產上進行操作時都能收到通知,或者想要在有人敲門鈴時被提示,你完全可以去家得寶獲取旅行傳感器和門鈴攝像頭。雖然通過Chamberlin的My Q來遠程監控、打開或關閉您的車庫的做法可能更為實用。

Finally, a major security key you will be learning about in future posts include cybersecurity, ethical hacking, and data privacy.


2.健康 Wellness

Being healthy is a major key. You are what you eat says my dietitian friend who encourages a daily workout and proportioned meals. IoT can help you track your wellness with wearables and smart meal apps.


Fitbit, Apple watch, and Samsung have all created new revenue streams made from giving their users workout analytics and the ability to set daily health goals. When these tools are combined, you can maintain your daily eating habits.


Also, connected cups and water bottles can make staying hydrated easy. They provide you nutritional facts and information regarding how you should be eating and drinking everyday. If you’re like me, you usually forget to drink enough water. With push notifications that buzz on your wearable, you’ll never be left thirsty for IoT.


Mobile apps around wellness have been around for years now?—?track your sleep, weight, nutrition, and more. However, the key with wellness IoT is that software is being combined with tangible hardware and equipped with predictive analytics.


When wellness was just software, users were forced to manually add their calorie count and the actions they were taking. Today, a lot of the leg work has been automated with the help of motion, temperature, and humidity sensors.


3.按需定制和流服務 On-Demand and Streaming Services

Amazon Dash is a new service that automates your home’s daily operations. For example, when you place Amazon’s dash button in your bathroom, you can easily place an order for more toilet paper before you run out. Outsourcing your errands frees up your time, no longer do you need to attend to toiletries, party needs, or even food in your pantry.

亞馬遜推出的Amazon Dash是一項全新的服務,可以讓您的家庭日常運作自動化。例如,當您將亞馬遜的Dash Button放置在浴室中時,它會在你的衛生紙即將耗盡時幫你自動下單。 家務外包讓你有更多的自由時間,不再需要你為化妝品、聚會用品和食物儲備費心。

If you have a baby, ordering diapers can become automatic. Amazon dash, through predictive analytics and self-learning algorithms, can project how many diapers you’re going to need for the week, month, or year.

如果你有寶寶要照顧,訂購尿布也可以自動。Amazon Dash通過通過預測分析和自學習算法,可以預測你在幾周,幾個月或一年的尿布需求量。

Ordering food based on how healthy you want to be becomes a breeze as well. Services like Peapod and blue apron provide you food on-demand based, on your preferences and body’s needs. You can even set up automated food services for your dog right through Petsmart and Petco.

根據你期望的健康狀況訂購食物也變成了一件輕而易舉的事情。像Peapod和藍色圍裙這樣的服務可以根據你的喜好和身體需要為你提供定制食物方案。 您甚至可以通過Petsmart和Petco為您你狗也設置自動食品服務。

Imagine never having to run errands again.


4.增強現實(AR)和虛擬現實(VR)技術 Augmented and Virtual Reality

AR and VR are ripe for innovation. Many technology venture capitalists are investing in IoT and are looking at these technologies as a new platform for apps.


Google glass was the first attempt at AR which displayed the possibilities and capabilities of what the future has to offer you. Google, more recently than glass, also came out with Daydream which turns phones into VR headsets. And of course, Facebook acquired Oculus for a whopping $2 billion a few years ago.


Real time analytics on your golf stroke can not only improve your game but it can reduce the chance of injury. Having GPS in your motorcycle helmet is also a major key to know where you’re going.


AR and VR can pretty much be a wearable that’s worn at all times or in one distinct location. When you’re at work to when you’re sleeping, VR can enhance cognitive abilities and give humans a big boost.


5. 地理圍欄 Geofencing

Your environment is impacted by your location at all times. A geofence is a virtual barrier in which apps are capable of setting triggers that react depending on your entrance or exit from a vicinity. You define the boundaries as an administrator along with however you’d like to be notified and what you’d like to be notified for.

你所處的環境隨時受到你的位置的影響。地理圍欄是一個虛擬的區域,其中應用程序能夠根據你從附近進入或退出的狀態來設置觸發器。 你可以以管理員的身份來定義邊界,還能設置你什么時候希望收到通知,希望收到什么通知。

In the future, geofencing will have a large impact, not only smart homes, but also on the retail industry:


藍牙連接和LIFI Bluetooth Connectivity and LIFI

Imagine your phone connecting to sensors within a store in real-time while you’re shopping. With geofencing, your shopping experience can be more catered to what you’re looking for. Coupons on demand of what you intend to buy, right from the internet.


Just look at Amazon Go, Amazon’s store concept without a check-out line. Or check out the Shopkick app that gives you rewards and gift cards for shopping at certain places.


預測性數據分析 Predictive Data Analytics

Geofencing gives companies another layer of understanding their customer. Using data analytics, back-end users and administrators can see how often people are using their service, how long they use it, and how well their marketing techniques worked.


For example, 1–800-Flowers geofenced the area around jewelry stores that were close to their flower shops. If you’re shopping for jewelry, it’s more likely that you’ll need flowers too (for your wife, mother, girlfriends, etc.).


Apple’s MFI chip for their Homekit will also be a big player utilizing geofencing. If the bluetooth on your phone is on, sensors around your Apple SmartHome will start to recognize patterns and eventually automate operations like turning on lights, locking doors, and notifying you if your home is operating out of the norm.


Location based services and geofencing will be a big part of improving overall customer experience.


6. 關愛老人  Aging-in-Place

The elderly are key because you love them. Many times they need assistance living in their own homes or even with you. You need to be confident that they’ll be safe when you’re not around to take care of them and if an emergency happens, that they will be taken care of immediately.


Lifealert is a remotely connected panic button that has been around for ages. Older folk can use it if they have emergencies, like if they fall down in the bathroom or if there’s a fire in their kitchen that they can’t put out. The device has a built in GPS that relays a SOS message to the nearest authorities in real-time.


Many times, older folk can’t enjoy TV as much as they used to because of their inability to hear. GOgroove Bluetooth TV headphones help the elderly with hearing loss to hear the TV clearly without having to turn up the volume. An ideal solution for the Price is Right and Jeopardy, the RF goes for about 60 sq. ft and is plug-in play for most existing TVs.

很多時候,老年人不能像以前那樣享受看電視的樂趣,因為他們大多有聽力問題。 GOgroove藍牙電視耳機幫助聽力損失的老年人清楚地聽到電視里的內容,而無需調高音量。這樣一來老人可以觀看電視節目如The Price is Right和Jeopardy,設備的射頻可覆蓋60平方英尺的空間,可以作為目前大多數電視機的插件來完成播放。

Alarm.com also offers a sensor based service for the elderly called BeClose. Their sensor box consists of devices made for remote monitoring and push notifications, including activity patterns, awareness, alerts, security, and when medications should be taken.


It’s important to love and nurture the elderly because they probably took care of you when you were younger.


7. 娛樂體驗 Entertainment

The biggest key to the Internet of Things revolves around entertainment, comfort, and convenience. Companies like Control 4 have gone public with this need in mind. There are an unlimited amount of customizations that can be made in order to fulfill your entertainment needs.

物聯網最重要的關鍵離不開娛樂,舒適和便利。像Control 4這樣據此定位的公司已經上市了。為了滿足你的娛樂需求,你可以進行無限量的自定義設置。

Value-added services, on top of security, tend to be in the realm of entertainment. Entertainment is primarily focused around the TV but can also expand to music and sound, lighting, overall comfort, and utilization of streaming services.


New formats of delivery are also key. Many new forms include streaming services for videos, movies, and games. Smart platforms like Amazon Echo and the wink hub can also be at the core of entertainment. They allow you to command and control your IoT devices using voice and pattern recognition as well.

新的娛樂形式也是關鍵。許多新形式包括對視頻,電影和游戲的流媒體服務。像亞馬遜Echo和Wink Hub這樣的智能平臺也可以成為娛樂的核心。它們能讓你使用語音和模式識別來命令和控制您的物聯網設備。

Gaming and content streaming services will be the new medium for advertising since live TV viewing has significantly decreased since the introduction of the DVR. PS Now will also be offered as an app on newer smart TVs.


Please share your thoughts on how IoT will impact entertainment and what you would like to see from companies in the future in the comments!


8. 能源 Energy

The reason why it’s key to touch on energy is because of the recent advances in energy education. Technology has totally transformed a once boring industry to one of the hottest industries in the world that’s built on historical infrastructure deployments.


Led by companies like ComEd, distributed energy resources combine modular electricity generation, storage capabilities, and the ability to lower your electric utility bills. When combined with other IoT devices within your smart home or smart building, not only can you live more seamlessly, but can save or even make money with “gridfriendly” decisions.


You can even customize your energy usage by wearing a band that pushes out location within your home. A smart hub connected to your energy IoT devices will adjust according to the real time price of energy?—?kind of like placing “limit orders” for buying and selling stocks.


Economically, this could work a concept used in finance called arbitrage through blockchain based financial measurements and smart contracts. Whatever energy you generate during the day is more valuable when your neighbors also want to use it, sort of like bandwidth. With a storage device in tact, connected to a Emphase Inverter, you can use the energy harvested at the most optimum time or trade it with your neighbors if you’re away.

在經濟上,這可以用于基于財務測量和智能合同的塊鏈,近似形成金融上被稱為套利的概念。 當你的鄰居也想要使用時,無論你在白天產生了多少能量,都會更有價值,就像帶寬一樣。 使用連接到相位逆變器的存儲設備,你可以使用在最佳時間收集的能量,或者當你不在時與你的鄰居交換。

Some other takeaways from energy IoT are that hardware costs have been decreasing. This is key when you make a large capital investment in utility scaled critical IoT deployment. Key being that hardware and software are treated as investments meaning that they increase value of everyone’s well-being within your electricity service provider’s territory.


Electric vehicles and charging stations also play a role in the future of energy since you can’t rely on gas prices staying low forever. Tesla is leading this effort with the announcement of their powerwall.


WiTricity also allows you to charge your EV wirelessly for SmartCity applications which we will touch on in a future post.


9. 大眾接受度 Mass Adoption

The only key driver missing from the opportunity of IoT is mass adoption. Many of the technologies mentioned throughout this post are available on the market today for purchase.


But why aren’t you rushing over to Amazon or your local hardware store to buy them? Do you think they’re too expensive? Or maybe you don’t like all of the features of the product? What’s holding you back from turning your home into a smart home and turning your life into a smarter one?


Barriers today are awareness and cost. Time is a solution for both of those according to Metcalfe’s law of users. The positives clearly outweigh the negatives and if you want to advance yourself holistically, you must adopt a connected livelihood.


Don’t fall behind…


結論 Conclusion

If you’re an engineer, entrepreneur, or just an enthusiast, IoT is about to change your world by the millions.


Which IoT devices are key to you? Why?



  • loT(Internet of Things):物聯網

  • sensor:傳感器

  • smart home:智能家居

  • cybersecurity:網絡安全

  • ethical hacking:道德黑客

  • data privacy:數據隱私

  • On-Demand:按需

  • Geo-fencing:地理圍欄(技術)


編者按:從安全性到安全感,從身體健康到心理健康,從虛擬現實到娛樂到能源到地理圍欄,這些是你接觸loT(物聯網)的一份指南。本文作者為Parth Kapadia,原題為“9 Major Keys to the Internet ofThings”。

The Internet of Things — a monstrous phenomenon to fathom. Be prepared to have your life disrupted, for the better or theworse…


This radical disruption will impact you and the ones closest to you. Your safety, security, health, and convenience are all at stake. This post will give you an intro to IoT and help you take the rights steps to get a grip on the Internet of Things.


Here are the 9 major keys to IoT and a more connected you:


1.安全性和安全感 Safety and Security

Safety allows you to keep doing you. You want to make sure your family is intact, healthy, and being taken care of through a string of seamless automations. Staying in constant contact is a large key for safety, or in other words, your well-being.


Being safe during your commutes is often overlooked. Technology in cars has substantially helped driving become safer. Rear-view cameras are now standard in every new car for a reason. Check out GM’s LED rearview camera, which is really only your current reverse camera with a new twist.

在你的上下班過程中,你的安全經常被忽視。 汽車技術極大的助力了駕駛安全。出于某些原因,后視攝像機現在是每輛新車的標配。看看通用汽車的LED后視攝像頭,這其實就是你現在使用的倒車攝影機,只不過稍加改動。

Traditionally, safety IoT has been geared towards maintenance detection for enterprise level operations and applications. Today, a similar M2M architecture can be applied to your home, office space, and your city.


Sensors, which are much cheaper these days, can let you know whether or not your water pipes are leaking or are about to burst. If you’re on vacation, you can decide whether or not to receive last-gasp messages that are deployed prior to failure.

如今要便宜得多的傳感器,可以讓你知道你的水管是否泄漏或即將爆裂。 如果你正在度假,你可以決定是否在故障發生之前接收故障的最新消息。

Yes, sensors for natural resource management and the future of water, electricity, and gas are key for a safe environment.WallyHome, a water leak and mold detection system is perfect for families looking to get smart on water, especially after what happened in Flint, Michigan.


Security has been traditionally dominated by companies such as ADT right? Their customers used to pay for 24/7 alarm monitoring back in the 90s. But with today’s array of smart home starter kits available at Home Depot and push towards a modernized DIY market, your grandma can have a level-one smart home.

在過去,我們生活中的安全性一直是由ADT等公司主導的,對吧? 他們的客戶在90年代會為全時段的監控付費。但是,如今有家得寶推出的家用智能家居套件就不一樣了,我們正在向一個現代化的DIY市場轉變,即使是你的奶奶,也可以擁有第一流的智能家居。

Companies like Comcast Xfinity and Vivint also offer these for a monthly cost along with on demand add-ons such as home streaming to solar, all of these modern features are offered today at $s/per month.

像Comcast Xfinity和Vivint這樣的公司也提供按消費者需求定制的附加功能,比如家庭流媒體或太陽能。所有這些現代功能在今天都按月為單位收費。

Anyways, it all depends on what level of security you’re striving for. If you want to be notified every time someone is on your property, or you want to be prompted when someone rings your doorbell, go to Home Depot and get trip sensors and a ring doorbell camera. Although, it may be simply more practical to remotely monitor, open, and close your garage with My Q by Chamberlin.

無論如何,這一切都取決于你想要的安全級別。如果您希望每當有人在您的財產上進行操作時都能收到通知,或者想要在有人敲門鈴時被提示,你完全可以去家得寶獲取旅行傳感器和門鈴攝像頭。雖然通過Chamberlin的My Q來遠程監控、打開或關閉您的車庫的做法可能更為實用。

Finally, a major security key you will be learning about in future posts include cybersecurity, ethical hacking, and data privacy.


2.健康 Wellness

Being healthy is a major key. You are what you eat says my dietitian friend who encourages a daily workout and proportioned meals. IoT can help you track your wellness with wearables and smart meal apps.


Fitbit, Apple watch, and Samsung have all created new revenue streams made from giving their users workout analytics and the ability to set daily health goals. When these tools are combined, you can maintain your daily eating habits.


Also, connected cups and water bottles can make staying hydrated easy. They provide you nutritional facts and information regarding how you should be eating and drinking everyday. If you’re like me, you usually forget to drink enough water. With push notifications that buzz on your wearable, you’ll never be left thirsty for IoT.


Mobile apps around wellness have been around for years now?—?track your sleep, weight, nutrition, and more. However, the key with wellness IoT is that software is being combined with tangible hardware and equipped with predictive analytics.


When wellness was just software, users were forced to manually add their calorie count and the actions they were taking. Today, a lot of the leg work has been automated with the help of motion, temperature, and humidity sensors.


3.按需定制和流服務 On-Demand and Streaming Services

Amazon Dash is a new service that automates your home’s daily operations. For example, when you place Amazon’s dash button in your bathroom, you can easily place an order for more toilet paper before you run out. Outsourcing your errands frees up your time, no longer do you need to attend to toiletries, party needs, or even food in your pantry.

亞馬遜推出的Amazon Dash是一項全新的服務,可以讓您的家庭日常運作自動化。例如,當您將亞馬遜的Dash Button放置在浴室中時,它會在你的衛生紙即將耗盡時幫你自動下單。 家務外包讓你有更多的自由時間,不再需要你為化妝品、聚會用品和食物儲備費心。

If you have a baby, ordering diapers can become automatic. Amazon dash, through predictive analytics and self-learning algorithms, can project how many diapers you’re going to need for the week, month, or year.

如果你有寶寶要照顧,訂購尿布也可以自動。Amazon Dash通過通過預測分析和自學習算法,可以預測你在幾周,幾個月或一年的尿布需求量。

Ordering food based on how healthy you want to be becomes a breeze as well. Services like Peapod and blue apron provide you food on-demand based, on your preferences and body’s needs. You can even set up automated food services for your dog right through Petsmart and Petco.

根據你期望的健康狀況訂購食物也變成了一件輕而易舉的事情。像Peapod和藍色圍裙這樣的服務可以根據你的喜好和身體需要為你提供定制食物方案。 您甚至可以通過Petsmart和Petco為您你狗也設置自動食品服務。

Imagine never having to run errands again.


4.增強現實(AR)和虛擬現實(VR)技術 Augmented and Virtual Reality

AR and VR are ripe for innovation. Many technology venture capitalists are investing in IoT and are looking at these technologies as a new platform for apps.


Google glass was the first attempt at AR which displayed the possibilities and capabilities of what the future has to offer you. Google, more recently than glass, also came out with Daydream which turns phones into VR headsets. And of course, Facebook acquired Oculus for a whopping $2 billion a few years ago.


Real time analytics on your golf stroke can not only improve your game but it can reduce the chance of injury. Having GPS in your motorcycle helmet is also a major key to know where you’re going.


AR and VR can pretty much be a wearable that’s worn at all times or in one distinct location. When you’re at work to when you’re sleeping, VR can enhance cognitive abilities and give humans a big boost.


5. 地理圍欄 Geofencing

Your environment is impacted by your location at all times. A geofence is a virtual barrier in which apps are capable of setting triggers that react depending on your entrance or exit from a vicinity. You define the boundaries as an administrator along with however you’d like to be notified and what you’d like to be notified for.

你所處的環境隨時受到你的位置的影響。地理圍欄是一個虛擬的區域,其中應用程序能夠根據你從附近進入或退出的狀態來設置觸發器。 你可以以管理員的身份來定義邊界,還能設置你什么時候希望收到通知,希望收到什么通知。

In the future, geofencing will have a large impact, not only smart homes, but also on the retail industry:


藍牙連接和LIFI Bluetooth Connectivity and LIFI

Imagine your phone connecting to sensors within a store in real-time while you’re shopping. With geofencing, your shopping experience can be more catered to what you’re looking for. Coupons on demand of what you intend to buy, right from the internet.


Just look at Amazon Go, Amazon’s store concept without a check-out line. Or check out the Shopkick app that gives you rewards and gift cards for shopping at certain places.


預測性數據分析 Predictive Data Analytics

Geofencing gives companies another layer of understanding their customer. Using data analytics, back-end users and administrators can see how often people are using their service, how long they use it, and how well their marketing techniques worked.


For example, 1–800-Flowers geofenced the area around jewelry stores that were close to their flower shops. If you’re shopping for jewelry, it’s more likely that you’ll need flowers too (for your wife, mother, girlfriends, etc.).


Apple’s MFI chip for their Homekit will also be a big player utilizing geofencing. If the bluetooth on your phone is on, sensors around your Apple SmartHome will start to recognize patterns and eventually automate operations like turning on lights, locking doors, and notifying you if your home is operating out of the norm.


Location based services and geofencing will be a big part of improving overall customer experience.


6. 關愛老人 Aging-in-Place

The elderly are key because you love them. Many times they need assistance living in their own homes or even with you. You need to be confident that they’ll be safe when you’re not around to take care of them and if an emergency happens, that they will be taken care of immediately.


Lifealert is a remotely connected panic button that has been around for ages. Older folk can use it if they have emergencies, like if they fall down in the bathroom or if there’s a fire in their kitchen that they can’t put out. The device has a built in GPS that relays a SOS message to the nearest authorities in real-time.


Many times, older folk can’t enjoy TV as much as they used to because of their inability to hear. GOgroove Bluetooth TV headphones help the elderly with hearing loss to hear the TV clearly without having to turn up the volume. An ideal solution for the Price is Right and Jeopardy, the RF goes for about 60 sq. ft and is plug-in play for most existing TVs.

很多時候,老年人不能像以前那樣享受看電視的樂趣,因為他們大多有聽力問題。 GOgroove藍牙電視耳機幫助聽力損失的老年人清楚地聽到電視里的內容,而無需調高音量。這樣一來老人可以觀看電視節目如The Price is Right和Jeopardy,設備的射頻可覆蓋60平方英尺的空間,可以作為目前大多數電視機的插件來完成播放。

Alarm.com also offers a sensor based service for the elderly called BeClose. Their sensor box consists of devices made for remote monitoring and push notifications, including activity patterns, awareness, alerts, security, and when medications should be taken.


It’s important to love and nurture the elderly because they probably took care of you when you were younger.


7. 娛樂體驗 Entertainment

The biggest key to the Internet of Things revolves around entertainment, comfort, and convenience. Companies like Control 4 have gone public with this need in mind. There are an unlimited amount of customizations that can be made in order to fulfill your entertainment needs.

物聯網最重要的關鍵離不開娛樂,舒適和便利。像Control 4這樣據此定位的公司已經上市了。為了滿足你的娛樂需求,你可以進行無限量的自定義設置。

Value-added services, on top of security, tend to be in the realm of entertainment. Entertainment is primarily focused around the TV but can also expand to music and sound, lighting, overall comfort, and utilization of streaming services.


New formats of delivery are also key. Many new forms include streaming services for videos, movies, and games. Smart platforms like Amazon Echo and the wink hub can also be at the core of entertainment. They allow you to command and control your IoT devices using voice and pattern recognition as well.

新的娛樂形式也是關鍵。許多新形式包括對視頻,電影和游戲的流媒體服務。像亞馬遜Echo和Wink Hub這樣的智能平臺也可以成為娛樂的核心。它們能讓你使用語音和模式識別來命令和控制您的物聯網設備。

Gaming and content streaming services will be the new medium for advertising since live TV viewing has significantly decreased since the introduction of the DVR. PS Now will also be offered as an app on newer smart TVs.


Please share your thoughts on how IoT will impact entertainment and what you would like to see from companies in the future in the comments!


8. 能源 Energy

The reason why it’s key to touch on energy is because of the recent advances in energy education. Technology has totally transformed a once boring industry to one of the hottest industries in the world that’s built on historical infrastructure deployments.


Led by companies like ComEd, distributed energy resources combine modular electricity generation, storage capabilities, and the ability to lower your electric utility bills. When combined with other IoT devices within your smart home or smart building, not only can you live more seamlessly, but can save or even make money with “gridfriendly” decisions.


You can even customize your energy usage by wearing a band that pushes out location within your home. A smart hub connected to your energy IoT devices will adjust according to the real time price of energy?—?kind of like placing “limit orders” for buying and selling stocks.


Economically, this could work a concept used in finance called arbitrage through blockchain based financial measurements and smart contracts. Whatever energy you generate during the day is more valuable when your neighbors also want to use it, sort of like bandwidth. With a storage device in tact, connected to a Emphase Inverter, you can use the energy harvested at the most optimum time or trade it with your neighbors if you’re away.

在經濟上,這可以用于基于財務測量和智能合同的塊鏈,近似形成金融上被稱為套利的概念。 當你的鄰居也想要使用時,無論你在白天產生了多少能量,都會更有價值,就像帶寬一樣。 使用連接到相位逆變器的存儲設備,你可以使用在最佳時間收集的能量,或者當你不在時與你的鄰居交換。

Some other takeaways from energy IoT are that hardware costs have been decreasing. This is key when you make a large capital investment in utility scaled critical IoT deployment. Key being that hardware and software are treated as investments meaning that they increase value of everyone’s well-being within your electricity service provider’s territory.


Electric vehicles and charging stations also play a role in the future of energy since you can’t rely on gas prices staying low forever. Tesla is leading this effort with the announcement of their powerwall.


WiTricity also allows you to charge your EV wirelessly for SmartCity applications which we will touch on in a future post.


9. 大眾接受度 Mass Adoption

The only key driver missing from the opportunity of IoT is mass adoption. Many of the technologies mentioned throughout this post are available on the market today for purchase.


But why aren’t you rushing over to Amazon or your local hardware store to buy them? Do you think they’re too expensive? Or maybe you don’t like all of the features of the product? What’s holding you back from turning your home into a smart home and turning your life into a smarter one?


Barriers today are awareness and cost. Time is a solution for both of those according to Metcalfe’s law of users. The positives clearly outweigh the negatives and if you want to advance yourself holistically, you must adopt a connected livelihood.


Don’t fall behind…


結論 Conclusion

If you’re an engineer, entrepreneur, or just an enthusiast, IoT is about to change your world by the millions.


Which IoT devices are key to you? Why?



loT(Internet of Things):物聯網


smart home:智能家居


ethical hacking:道德黑客

data privacy:數據隱私





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