4月19日,應荷蘭警方及國際刑警組織和 多個國際性政府機構要求,一家荷蘭加密網絡通信運營商Ennetcom被迫關停服務,該網絡服務商基于PGP加密保護系統的黑 莓設備專用的BES服務提供通訊網關服務(Mobile Encryption Gateway),能夠允許黑莓設備用戶實現更安全的加密通訊,目前擁有約19000多注冊用戶。
Tuesday, April 19th, 2016 revealed that judicial research is being done towards Ennetcom. There has been an international collaboration of various government agencies and Interpol in attempt to put our network down. Previously there have been attempts to put us down, amongst them the Dutch intelligence service, but they never succeeded (see Wikileaks). Regarding the current investigation, Ennetcom is forced to suspend all operations and services for the time being. Ennetcom regrets this course of events and insinuations towards Ennetcom. It should be clear that Ennetcom stands for freedom of privacy! Because of security and privacy reasons Ennetcom chooses to keep all systems offline.