在去年圣誕節期間,PC游戲平臺Steam在線玩家發現其遭受到了數小時的宕機。根據Valve隨后公布的細節,由于遭到 拒絕服務式攻擊其合作商在部署新緩存規則時發生了錯誤,導致約有34000名在此期間購物的用戶受到影響,無意中查看到了他人的Steam賬戶信息(包括 錯誤分發的電郵地址、賬號地址、信用卡號末尾等,但用戶無法憑借這些完成購買)。雖然Valve已經公開就此事道歉,不過Valve對受影響用戶個人的道歉似乎 來得比較晚,直到數月后的今天才有部分受影響的用戶接收到了Vavle就此次意外泄露事故的道歉郵件。
據外媒TheVerge報道,受影響的用戶終于收到了來自Vavle的致歉郵件。信件中明確了事件發生的明確時間為2015年12月25日,太平洋時間11:50-13:20分,如果用戶正在此段時間內訪問Steam Store,則為可能受影響的用戶。Valve還在信中寫明了其它一些細節,也向用戶確保其被外泄的部分賬戶信息無法完成任何交易,也不能確定個人真實信息,只是被其它Steam用戶無意地查看了。最后Vlave真摯地向他們進行道歉。同時希望他們能夠采用更安全的驗證步驟確保此類事故不再會發生。
Dear Steam User,
As you may know, for a brief period on December 25th, a configuration error resulted in some Steam users seeing incorrectly cached Steam Store pages generated for other Steam users. If you are not familiar with the issue, an overview of what happened is available at http://store.steampowered.com/news/19852/ .
If you accessed the Steam Store between 11:50 PST and 13:20 PST on December 25th, your account could have been affected by this issue. If you did not use the Steam Store during that time, your account was not affected.
Between the times above, a requested web page displayed during your Steam Store checkout process may have been incorrectly displayed to another Steam user in your local area. This page may have included billing information previously saved to complete future purchases including your full name, billing address and billing phone number. It may have also included the last two digits of a credit card number or a PayPal email address, if previously saved for future purchases. It did not include full credit card numbers, Steam account passwords, or other information that would allow another user to complete a transaction with your billing information.
We are contacting you because an IP address previously used by your account to access Steam made a web page request as described above. Because IP addresses are commonly shared for home networks, mobile devices and by internet providers, we are unable to verify that your account was actually the one that made this request. For example one affected IP address was previously used by over 1,700 Steam accounts. Consequently we are notifying all users who have previously used this IP address.
This event did not make it possible to compromise your Steam account or make a fraudulent transaction from your account, but we want you to be aware of what information could have been seen by another Steam user.
We're sorry this happened and have taken steps to prevent this problem from occurring in the future.
If you used the store between 11:50 PST and 13:20 PST on December 25th and you have questions please email [email protected].
- Valve