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RabbitMQ 3.6.7 發布,AMQP 消息服務器

責任編輯:editor005 作者:淡漠悠然 |來源:企業網D1Net  2017-03-16 15:03:37 本文摘自:開源中國社區

RabbitMQ 是由 LShift 提供的一個 Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) 的開源實現。

RabbitMQ 3.6.7 是一個維護版本,包含一個重做的新管理插件,用于在所有集群節點(而不是一個專用節點)上存儲收集的統計信息。



Bug Fixes

Queue master process could terminate with a {bad_match, {error, not_found}} error.

rabbitmq-service.bat should exit with a non-0 code when installation fails.

rabbitmqctl stop_app now produces a more technically correct output about
what the operation does.


Nodes in a cluster now can be restared in arbitrary order. They will attempt to contact
one of the previously seen peers periodically (10 times with 30 second intervals by default).

Increased credit flow default settings, background GC is disabled by default for more predictable latency.

TLS listeners now support SNI (via Ranch 1.3.0).

Successful connection authentication now leaves additional log entries, just like authentication failures. It is now easier to see from the log what user connected to what vhost.

Internal authentication backend now supports credential validators.

Worker process shutdown timeout now can be configured.


更新內容較多,涉及到 Delayed Message Exchange 插件、AMQP 1.0 插件、Event Exchange 插件、Federation 插件、Shovel 插件、MQTT 插件、.NET 客戶端、Java 客戶端、Management 插件 以及 Server 方面的更新。




x RabbitMQ 3.6.7 發布,AMQP 消息服務器 掃一掃
當前位置:服務器企業動態 → 正文

RabbitMQ 3.6.7 發布,AMQP 消息服務器

責任編輯:editor005 作者:淡漠悠然 |來源:企業網D1Net  2017-03-16 15:03:37 本文摘自:開源中國社區

RabbitMQ 是由 LShift 提供的一個 Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) 的開源實現。

RabbitMQ 3.6.7 是一個維護版本,包含一個重做的新管理插件,用于在所有集群節點(而不是一個專用節點)上存儲收集的統計信息。



Bug Fixes

Queue master process could terminate with a {bad_match, {error, not_found}} error.

rabbitmq-service.bat should exit with a non-0 code when installation fails.

rabbitmqctl stop_app now produces a more technically correct output about
what the operation does.


Nodes in a cluster now can be restared in arbitrary order. They will attempt to contact
one of the previously seen peers periodically (10 times with 30 second intervals by default).

Increased credit flow default settings, background GC is disabled by default for more predictable latency.

TLS listeners now support SNI (via Ranch 1.3.0).

Successful connection authentication now leaves additional log entries, just like authentication failures. It is now easier to see from the log what user connected to what vhost.

Internal authentication backend now supports credential validators.

Worker process shutdown timeout now can be configured.


更新內容較多,涉及到 Delayed Message Exchange 插件、AMQP 1.0 插件、Event Exchange 插件、Federation 插件、Shovel 插件、MQTT 插件、.NET 客戶端、Java 客戶端、Management 插件 以及 Server 方面的更新。






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