
McAfee創始人稱Ashley Madison網站黑客是其公司內部女員工


2015-08-26 09:20:33


John McAfee表示,此前并沒有黑客集團聲稱為自己的行為負責,因為黑客組織根本不存在。他也從黑客的用詞習慣中發現應該是女性所為。

周一美國殺毒軟件公司McAfee創始人John McAfee 在《國際財經時報》發表長篇聲明稱他認為Ashley Madison網站幕后的黑客是其母公司Avid Life Media 的一位女員工。他聲稱花了一個多星期分析泄露的數據才確認這個結果。他也從黑客的用詞中得出應該是女性所為。

John McAfee表示,此前并沒有黑客集團聲稱為自己的行為負責,因為黑客組織根本不存在。

他接著指出是從 Dark Web內部收集這一可靠信息的。他認為黑客對Ashley Madison的技術十分了解,根據曝光的數據分析,很多都是內部員工才能接觸到的資料。


In the first manifesto two names of male members were released. In describing one of them the perpetrator states the he "spitefully" joined Ashley Madison the day after Valentine's Day. Anyone who ever had a significant other knows that women rate Valentine's Day higher than Christmas, and men think so little of it that they have to remind each other the day is nearing. To call an act the day after Valentines Day "spiteful", is a thought that would enter few men's minds. If this does not convince you then you need to get out of the house more often.


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